Brightcove Once to Empowers Google Chromecast



After Google recently unlocked its Chromecast software development kit (SDK), Brightcove Once now enables publishers to deliver personalized advertising in streams delivered to Chromecast viewers.

“Chromecast has quickly become one of the top three selling electronics devices on Amazon and offers some of the most popular online entertainment options, including Netflix, YouTube, Hulu Plus and Google Play movies and music, with new apps coming on board at a rapid pace,” says AJ McGowan, Brightcove’s chief technology officer. “Broadcasters and content owners that want to quickly take advantage of Chromecast can now leverage Brightcove Once to deliver premium video content streams that include targeted advertising.”

One of the Top Three devices selling on Amazon? Pretty impressive when you consider Google Chromecast is a $35 dongle that plugs directly into any HDTV to stream movies, TV shows, YouTube clips, music etc via Wi-Fi (using smartphone, tablet or laptop as a remote control).

Brightcove Once is a cloud-based ad insertion and video stitching service that reduces or eliminates the need for platform-specific ad technology, making it possible to reliably deliver live or on-demand video with customized programming and targeted advertising to a wide range of devices.

Chromecast publishers can now deliver a seamless, television-like experience, complete with personalized ads stitched directly into the video stream. Using Brightcove Once, publishers can also easily reach a wide range of mobile and connected devices in addition to Chromecast without additional investment.

And that means just more attention for Google’s Chromecast…

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