IBM Puts Watson on Cloud-Based Security Duty


IBM trains the Watson supercomputer for yet another job-- security, the result of a year-long research project in the development of a cloud-based version of the cognitive technology with a focus on the language of security.

WatsonDubbed Watson for Cyber Security, the system runs on the Bluemix cloud platform and makes use of X-Force, an IBM research library containing 20 years of security research, details on 8 million spam and phishing attacks and over 100000 vulnerabilities. The result, Big Blue Claims, is "the first technology to offer cognition of security data at scale using Watson's ability to reason and learn from "unstructured data"."

Unstructured data covers 80% of data on the internet traditional security tools cannot process, such as blogs, articles, videos, reports, alerts and other information. Watson for Cyber Security will combine insights gleaned from such data with other capabilities, including data mining, graphical representation tools and techniques for finding connections between related data points in different documents.

“Even if the industry was able to fill the estimated 1.5m open cyber security jobs by 2020, we’d still have a skills crisis in security,” IBM says. “The volume and velocity of data in security is one of our greatest challenges in dealing with cybercrime. By leveraging Watson’s ability to bring context to staggering amounts of unstructured data, impossible for people alone to process, we will bring new insights, recommendations, and knowledge to security professionals, bringing greater speed and precision to the most advanced cybersecurity analysts, and providing novice analysts with on-the-job training."

In addition, the company plans to team up with 8 universities, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University and Pennsylvania State University, to further train Watson in the fine art of security. Initially students will feed the Watson knowledge bank with threat intelligence reports, cybercrime strategies and threat databases, with the hope it will process up to 15000 documents per month over the training phase.

Go IBM Watson to Tackle Cybercrime