Cisco Tackles Shadow IT


"Shadow IT is rampant," Cisco warns. To tackle the problem, the company launches Cloud Consumption as a Service-- a SaaS product to discover and monitor the public cloud services organisations use.

Cisco Shadow ITIn case a refresher is required, the term "shadow IT" covers the various public cloud services accessed inside organisations without IT department approval. According to Cisco the average large enterprise uses 1220 individual cloud services, up to 25X more than IT estimate and a 112% increase over the past year.

Public cloud service use involves a number of risks ranging from regulatory compliance and data protection to business continuity, cost and service performance.

To remedy the situation Cloud Consumption as a Service discovers and monitors public cloud use before providing admins with detailed analytics and benchmarking. The result, Cisco adds, helps businesses reduce security risks and better manage costs.

Cloud Consumption as a Service is available now.

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