IDC: Public Cloud Spending to Reach $70bn in 2015


Global public cloud spending is set to reach nearly $70 billion in 2015 according to IDC, a 23% increase over the $56.6bn hit in 2014.

Cloud computingThe top 5 verticals-- discrete manufacturing, banking, professional services, process manufacturing and retail-- account for nearly 45% of the total spend. Opportunities within the verticals coming from the development of intelligent industry solutions.

These solutions requires a new platform covering big data and analytics, mobile and social as well as the cloud. As such, the analyst says IT suppliers showcasing the long-term benefits and true value of the cloud as a platform in a vertical will to reap the most success.

A factor leading to the transfer from IT to functional lines of business of business (like marketing, finance and operation) is the ease of purchasing cloud-based solutions, but security and regulations remain the biggest barriers for cloud adoptions within government and financial services.

The loss of perceived control over IT assets and massive legacy systems are other stumbling blocks for cloud use.

"The technological innovations and enabling capabilities unleashed by cloud have fostered new opportunities across the industries," IDC says. "As a result, it is necessary for both technology vendors and buyers to recognize the industry drivers and barriers of cloud deployment, to understand the business transformation brought by cloud, and to act upon the changes that will shape business and technology strategy in the coming years."

Go Public Cloud Computing to Reach Nearly $70bn in 2015 WW According to IDC