Software Defined Strategy for IBM Storage


IBM announces a "bold" strategy for its storage business, one featuring "a new model for enterprise data storage optimised across hardware and software solutions" achieved via the power of Software Defined Storage.

IBM “The reality is that many of our clients are suffering from information overload, and data centers are feeling the pressure,” Big Blue claims “To help ease this pressure, we are providing flexibility to enable clients to choose the environment that best fits their needs… Software defined storage is disrupting the industry, and we’re leading the market by applying our storage and software heritage to the data management challenges of businesses today.”

In a few words, IBM is looking into boosting efficiency by using data management systems to provide customers with easier, near real-time insights on stored data.

IBM Software Defined Storage offerings come via 3 delivery models-- Storage as Software (IBM Elastic Software, SAN Volume Controller and Virtual Storage Centre), integrated software and hardware solutions (Elastic Storage Server) and the cloud (Elastic Storage on SoftLayer).

The announcement also involves the launch of the IBM Elastic Storage Server, a POWER8-based integrated software defined storage appliance running Elastic Storage software.

Go IBM Sees Software Defined Storage as Tipping Point in Taming Big Data Deluge